Dr. Gillian Petrokofsky
Founding Partner
Gill has been conducting systematic reviews and systematic maps for over 10 years. She has a particular interest in exploring the use of quicker ways of
undertaking systematic evaluation that suit the policy timeframes of most decision-makers. Gill set up and led a collaborative international project - Evidence-Based Forestry Initiative (EBF) and continues to work on outputs related to that initiative with scientists, policymakers and practitioners focussed on questions of high priority to countries of the global South, in particular.
She has published more than 20 systematic maps and reviews on a wide variety of topics, from marine stewardship eco-labelling to the effects of prescribed burning in temperate and boreal forest.
She works closely with colleagues in the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence and is co-author of the Guidelines and Standards for Evidence Synthesis in Environmental Management. Gill is an Associate Researcher with the Oxford Long-term Ecology Group, University of Oxford (OXLEL). For a list of publications, click here